Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thing #4

Reading these blogs were very interesting to me. I really loved the Mark's Edtech Blog on SSR. I can see how the third graders would enjoy this type of SSR. Kids love working on computers and are so engaged in any amount of time spent with technology. I would love to start this type of SSR in my first grade classroom towards the middle of the year since a lot of first graders might not be ready for this early on in the school year. I definitely will incorporate creating a classroom blog sometime during the school year. Not only are the kids reading blogs, but they are working on writing, typing and communicating skills. Wow! What a lot of learning!

I also was impressed when reading the Patrick's update Blog. This blog gave Patrick a sense of self confidence. I liked the way others gave him encouragement to boost his self esteem. What a wonderful way to build a student's self worth and confidence. Some children do not live in a positive environment so the blogs could create some type of positive feedback for someone in need.

Another blog that I liked was the Duck with a Blog. I found this one to be cute since it was created by second graders. This blog lets people see how even children as young as second grade can get on board with this blogging stuff. I think this could be great fun for children of all ages and what a super way to learn!


  1. We could so do this with our baby chicks! The kids would love it.

  2. I thought having the third graders was very interesting. The first thought off the top of my head was, "This school district must not have a filter." I was soon able to get past that thought as I continued processing third graders reading blogs in their class. I think there would be pro's and con's. Pro- gets the children interested in learning. Con- could be teaching them bad sentence structure and vocabulary. The pro's and con's may very well balance out evenly.

    visit my blog

  3. I also loved the Duck blog. I teach 2nd grade so it was very interesting to see that 2nd graders could blog. They were short and sweet! I think this is a great way to get them started. It would take them forever to type a long blog!

    I like the SSR reading as well. I do struggle a little with this though. I am on a non-title campus and only have 2 computers in my classroom. I did ponder having this type of reading set up in a work station. Another option would be to check out school laptops if I wanted everyone doing it at the same time.
